IQN Path took part in the XXXI International Congress of the IAP and 28th Congress of the ESP in Cologne (September 25-29). IQN Path had several presentations in the EQA Session of the Two Day Symposium for Molecular Biologists involved in Molecular Pathology Diagnostics and Research.

Shown left to right: Dr Raed Al Dieri (Scientific Director of ESP) , Dr Jacqueline Hall (Executive Director IQN Path), Prof. Pierre Bedossa (President of the ESP) and Sandi Deans (Treasurer IQN Path).
Dr Sandi Deans presented on behalf of IQN Path a concise summary of a large piece of work completed by the IQN Path molecular working group, “Integration of next-generation sequencing in clinical diagnostic molecular pathology laboratories for analysis of solid tumours; an expert opinion on behalf of IQN Path ASBL”. This manuscript has now been accepted for publication by Virchows Archiv.
Nicola Normanno also highlighted activities of IQN Path in his presentation including the guidance for molecular EQA schemes from which much of this work originated. Nicola also expertly summarised ongoing work of IQN Path in the area of EQA for free circulating tumour DNA (or otherwise known as liquid biopsy).
Dr Jacqueline Hall, the executive director of IQN Path also presented an overview of IQN Path and its activities to date, summarising some key concepts from the extensive WHO guideline for National External Quality Assessment Schemes that IQNPath was involved in developing and also highlighting how IQN Path’s activities can benefit testing laboratories and help deliver the promise of personalised medicine in the clinic.